Monday, October 10, 2011 11:39 PM



Too bored....

everyday must attend meeting.....

too bored... listen a same thing... uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

help me... how to run from this...?

this evening have one meeting and tonight also have one meeting....

tommorow have one meeting at nite with RSK....


run run run run run run run Mirghani......

somebody talk to me...

why you want to run Mirghani?

its you responsibility Mirghani...

If you run .. you will show to other people that you are not responsibilty person...

so please don't run just face it...

be relax... insha Allah all is well......

Just listen you know....

listen..listen .. listen....

after that do it properly......

with this you will learn how to be a greatest person Mirghani....

chaiyo2 Mirghani...

Aca Mirghani.....

Insha A llah everything you do today....

something good will happen after this....

Insha Allah.... Mirghani.....................................................................................

wish you luck everybody...

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